Clean Coders .COM
31 Aug 2012 | programming | comments | editLately I've started watching episodes from, a podcast created by Uncle Bob ( Robert C. Martin ) and i must say they are excellent.
I must confess that when I've purchased the "Names" episode I was a bit skeptical about how much can be said about how to name the things you use in your code. I have already been paying much attention to names and overall "cleanness" of my code so I was not expecting to learn a lot of new things, but as usual, Mr. Martin as blown my mind with his way of explaining the "hows" and "whys" of doing things.
I can say almost the same about the "Functions" episode. Very important small details that even if I was applying previously in my code, I can now actively think about them when writing code.
Also for me one important gain from watching the videos was that now I can better explain to others the importance and details of clean code using the arguments and reasoning of Uncle Bob.
I highly recommend following all the videos on No matter if you are a junior dev or have lots of years of experience I'm sure you will gain a lot of knowledge from them. The videos are created in a non-conventional and funny way which makes them pretty entertaining to watch.
Thank you Uncle Bob for the great videos.
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