RavenDb EnsureDatabaseExists extension method
03 Nov 2011 | net | comments | editJust a quick hint for others like me, who spent some minutes searching for the EnsureDatabaseExists method when trying to use RavenDb with Multi-Databases.
EnsureDatabaseExists is an extension method on IDatabaseCommands defined in the Raven.Client.Extensions namespace.
To make it work you need to add a using statement for this namespace.
1 using Raven.Client;
2 using Raven.Client.Extensions;
4 using (DocumentStore store = new DocumentStore()
5 {
6 Url = "http://localhost:8080/"
7 })
8 {
9 store.Initialize();
10 store.DatabaseCommands.EnsureDatabaseExists("SomeDatabase");
11 }